The medieval animation evenings of Gemona Tempus est Jocundum are now a regular appointment on the first weekend of August.
It begins Thursday 4 August to conclude the big party on the evening of Monday 8 August. Along via Bini and the neighboring streets you can immerse yourself in the magical medieval world.
More in detail:
Thursday 4 August you can take part in the PROPIZIATORY DINNER among the villages of Gemona which will then compete in the Palio on Friday evening.
In the evening of Friday 5 August you can came across- from 22.00, the PALIO DEL NIEDERLECH. A challenge between the towns of Gemona, inspired by the medieval tax of Niederlech which forced merchants to unload their goods and stay in Gemona. In the edition of 2022 the Palio will be renewed and the challenges will be more and more exciting.
The scenery doesn’t change during the evenings of Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 August, from 19.00 you can find in the city center all the taverns open and the medieval market; to 21.15 the historical parade will be larger than the other days,, with the medieval courts coming from the whole region.
You can’t miss the date on Monday the Monday 8 August , when the winner team and the second placed of the “Palio del Niederlech” will literally bring to life a draughts match played with living pawns. A challenge untill the last move to elect the CASTELLANA DAMA who will keep the key of the city for the rest of the year and will be the godmother of all the all festivals in Gemona. The match will take place in Piazza del Duomo at 21.15.